“Sometimes The Questions Are Complicated And The Answers Are Simple.”

– Dr. Seuss

Practical Legal Advice About Child Support In Florida

Child support can be a challenging issue for parents who are divorcing or whose children were born outside of marriage. Your children’s expenses must be covered, but it can be hard to know how to ensure that needs are met in a way that is sustainable for both parents.

If you are unsure about where you stand as a parent who will pay or receive support, get advice from an experienced family law attorney. At Rebecca H. Fischer, P.A., based in Hollywood, Florida, I can help you understand how:

  • Child support and custody are intertwined: Once a timeshare arrangement is determined – with attention paid to income and the number of overnights per year with each parent – statutory formulas are used to determine support. In general, family court judges cannot deviate substantially from established formulas without written findings.
  • Medical costs and day-care expenses are determined: These costs are factored into child support, but you should know what they are.
  • Extracurricular activities, camp, and other nonessential expenses will be covered.
  • To resolve your case with as little conflict as possible: You and your co-parent may be able to agree on timeshare and support arrangements without having to go to court.
  • Your special-needs child may need support after age 18: Special-needs children may require support beyond age 18 or after high school graduation.

Questions About Changing Your Child Support?

If you are already paying or receiving child support – on a temporary or permanent basis – you may have questions about modifying your child support order due to a change in circumstances. I can answer important questions about family legal matters. For example:

  • Is a pay raise a material increase that will warrant my spouse seeking more support?
  • What will happen to my child support if the custody orders are changed?
  • I lost my job – can I change the amount of support I must pay or that I am entitled to receive?
  • Who is supposed to pay for extra medical expenses that come up?
  • My child wants to spend more time with me – can I modify support based on that?
  • What is the relationship between child support and alimony (spousal support)?
  • What will happen if I try to voluntarily decrease my income?

Talk To Me – Get The Specific Guidance You Need

Every situation is different. Get the advice you need about your circumstances. Contact me to schedule a consultation with an experienced lawyer. To begin, send me an email or call 954-546-7250.