“Sometimes The Questions Are Complicated And The Answers Are Simple.”

– Dr. Seuss

Facts and insights related to collaborative divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 10, 2023 | Divorce

Divorce is a decision that will alter multiple parts of your life. You know that everything could be different from now on, from where you live to how often you see your children. It is critical that the choices you make during this process be beneficial for your future stability and for your kids as well. This is a stressful time, but there are steps you can take that will allow you to remove temporary emotion and focus on what is ahead. 

The thought of a contentious and difficult divorce process may be unpleasant to you. You may not want to go to court, but a simple, negotiated divorce may not be an option either. Through collaboration, you may be able to reach beneficial conclusions to your remaining divorce concerns without stepping into the courtroom. It is helpful to know what options you have and how you can seek the most beneficial outcome to your divorce. 

How does it work? 

A collaborative divorce is a divorce process during which the two opposing parties will work closely together to reach beneficial conclusions to their remaining concerns. Instead of going to court, they will resolve issues through negotiation and discussion, sometimes collaborating with different experts as they make decisions for their future. Consider the following about collaborative divorce: 

  • Before beginning, both parties will have to sign an agreement stating that they will not go to court. 
  • In a collaborative divorce, both parties will have separate legal representation. 
  • Collaborative divorces may not take as long as other types of divorces, and they may cost less. 
  • Due to the nature of collaboration, both parties will have a more direct say in the outcome of their divorce. 
  • There is less hostility in a collaborative divorce, and the two parties will be more likely to work together post-divorce. 
  • There is a lower chance of post-divorce litigation or continued disputes after the process is final. 

Even during a collaborative divorce, you will benefit from having experienced guidance on your side. You have the right to pursue your desired outcome during your Florida divorce, even if you are working through the collaborative process. An assessment of your specific situation may reveal if you would benefit from a collaborative divorce and how you can pursue a beneficial final divorce order.