Visitation is an area of potential conflict when parents separate. If parents cannot agree on a child custody arrangement, the court may have to step in and determine the arrangement. However, in addition to deciding the custody arrangement, courts in Florida can also establish visitation rights for the noncustodial parent.
Parents’ rights to visitation
These days, the laws in most states reflect the idea that it is typically in the children’s best interests to have regular contact with both parents following a separation or divorce. In most cases, parental visitation rights are part of the court’s custody orders. The two main types of child custody are legal custody and physical custody. However, even if one parent is awarded sole legal custody, it may also be possible for the other parent to have visitation rights.
Visitation agreements
Many times, parents can work out their own arrangements regarding child custody and visitation. This can happen as a stand-alone agreement or as part of a divorce settlement agreement. For example, parents may simply agree that one parent will have sole physical custody of the children while the other has a reasonable visitation schedule. An example of a typical schedule for the noncustodial parent can be having the kids one evening a week, overnight on the weekends or alternating weekends, extended visitation during vacations and alternating holidays.
Legal help is key
Courts in Florida facilitate the need for parent-child relationships and recognize that parents have a right to the care of their children, unless one parent is a threat to the children involved. His typically comes into play when drug or alcohol abuse is involved, but domestic violence may also be grounds to deny parenting time to the abuser. Visitation rights are meant to allow a parent to spend quality time with the kids even when that parent does not have primary custody. Parents who have questions or need help with child custody or visitation could obtain much-needed legal guidance by speaking with an experienced family law attorney.