“Sometimes The Questions Are Complicated And The Answers Are Simple.”

– Dr. Seuss

Helping you recover the alimony award you deserve

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2017 | Alimony

The decision to divorce is certainly not an easy one to make. However, deciding to file for divorce is just the first tough decision spouses are faced with in the process. Sorting through all the details of a marriage, whether it was short or long, can be challenging. Finances often stand out, leaving some spouses curious how they will be able to maintain their lifestyle post-divorce. For those facing such dilemmas, they often request spousal support during the divorce process.

Alimony can look very different from couple to couple, thus, it is important to understand what types you could qualify for and what best meets your needs and goals in your impending post-divorce life. At our law firm, we understand that requesting alimony can lead to disputes. We are dedicated to helping Florida residents successfully navigate this divorce issue.

Finances can be a major concern post-divorce, causing some spouses to fear that they will not be able to afford their basic needs. In cases where the other spouse was the primary breadwinner and you were the primary caregiver, it is possible to seek rehabilitative alimony. This form of spousal support will remain until you obtain the education or training you need to obtain gainful employment.

We understand that it is never easy to bring up requests for money during dissolution. But, we are prepared to help our clients achieve their goals, whether they seek to negotiate, mediate or litigate this matter.

To learn more, please visit our law firm’s alimony website. Whether you know right away that you want to request alimony or you decide later on through the process, it is important to understand your rights and options when it comes to this divorce issue. This can help you timely and effectively resolve this and other divorce disputes.