“Sometimes The Questions Are Complicated And The Answers Are Simple.”

– Dr. Seuss

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Help And Hope For The Parents Of Children With Special Needs

If you are the parent of a child who has special needs, you know there are many unique legal challenges to face. It is common to feel frustrated, exhausted, hopeless, and concerned. You and the person you love deserve to have a knowledgeable advocate on your side.

At Rebecca H. Fischer, P.A. I am committed to helping the parents of children who have special needs access the resources and benefits to which they are entitled. My name is Rebecca Fischer, and I feel honored to serve the parents and children of Florida. With more than 40 years of legal experience, I feel honored to empower my clients to understand their rights and advocate for their children.

A Creative And Holistic Approach To Your Challenges

I take a holistic approach to working with my clients and their families. I understand the need for advanced planning as you go through the divorce process as it relates to your specials needs child. You can turn to me for comprehensive advocacy in matters such as:

  • Special needs family law: I assist parents with the custody and time-share challenges that may arise in a divorce. When your child comes of age, I can prepare guardianships so you can handle their legal decisions and medical care.
  • Special needs planning: I can set up a special needs trust to provide for the care of your child. Proactive long-term care planning can ensure that your child qualifies for state benefits and that you can afford their living accommodations.
  • Special needs education law: Children with special needs often require special arrangements when it comes to education. I collaborate with administrators, teachers, and consultants to develop individualized education plans (IEPs), secure reasonable accommodations, and prevent bullying or discrimination.

Unique challenges require a creative approach. Innovation is a driving force in my practice. I look forward to guiding you through the maze of complex processes that apply to special needs law, standing up for the rights of you and your child, and giving you hope, even when the path seems difficult.

Tell Me More About Your Child

You can get in touch with me at Rebecca H. Fischer, P.A., to discuss your child’s needs in-depth. To learn more about how I can help you and your child, please schedule an initial consultation. You can call my Hollywood law office at 954-546-7250 or send me an email.